Sunday, January 26, 2014

Data: Using Technology to TAKE it, TRACK it, and USE it

Tomorrow and Tuesday, I will be attending the Powerful Learning Conference at Tan-Tar-A. (You can follow along at #moplc14 on Twitter.)   Logan-Rogersville Primary School will be presented with an award for being an Exemplary PLC School.  In addition, I will be facilitating a conversation, along with kindergarten teacher and tech guru, Sara Tipton (@kdgteach_123), and principal, Toni Bass (@ToniDBass, @LrpWildcats), about how the Primary school looks at data.  Because the Primary school does not administer standardized tests, it is sometimes tricky to track data.  Using Google Docs, Sara Tipton has developed an amazing progress monitoring tool that enables teachers to test students, input data for each student and then use that data to drive instruction in the classroom.   My part of the conversation will be dealing with how we track the data and then use it to identify students in need of intervention.  Some of the points I will be leading discussion on include:
  • the data wall and how it is set up and used
  • how students who are in need of interventions are identified
  • ideas for where to look for interventions

If you want more information about how we set up our data wall and/or how we use it to identify students who need interventions, feel free to comment below or message me on Twitter (@beckyannlea).

I have listed below a few links that might be helpful if you are looking for a place to start with interventions.
I am looking forward to networking with others at the Powerful Learning Conference who are trying to find the best ways to track and use data to increase the learning of all students.